How to confirm that universal JavaScript code outputs the same result in the browser as it does in Node.
How to deploy versioned documentation site to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions
How to apply to a job in a way to make the hiring manager say "Yes" to your application.
Do not use lax restore cache keys or your cache will roll over with unused dependencies
Example guide to writing a simple Webpack loader
How to write effective React tests using Cypress
How to almost test Content-Security-Policy violations in your site using Cypress
How to load and test WASM code using Webpack and test it using Cypress
How to release a well-tested library that never breaks the users' projects
How to access the XState state machine from Cypress test to verify the current context, observe events, and drive the app via actions
The new command cy.route2 is everything one needs to spy and stub network requests from the application under test
How to develop software without wasting time planning or ignoring important parts of the project
How to spy on and stub GraphQL calls from the application using Cypress and its new cy.route2 API
How to derive multiple benefits from writing software.
How to wrap Cypress commands using its NPM module API to customize the test runner behavior.
How to test individual React components the same way as end-to-end web applications.
Generate web application tutorials using real Cypress tests.
Looking at my personal daily task logs from the past 18 months
How we wasted three days due to missing "await"
Run end-to-end Cypress tests against Vercel preview deploys using GitHub Actions
Moving from Jest + RTL to Cypress + @testing-library/cypress for testing React components
Answers to three common questions from people skeptical about Cypress.
My notes on testifying in person or in writing during a hearing.
Introducing cypress-vue-unit-test for better Vue component testing experience inside Cypress test runner.
Do not pay people to destroy the planet.
Comparing React components pixel by pixel to catch style problems
How to refactor loading JSON fixtures for simplicity
Moving from end-to-end to component and unit tests
A common mistake when using beforeEach hooks in Cypress specs
Use tests and automatic dependency updates to keep examples up to date with the latest versions of the relevant library. Make it visible with dependency version badges.
How to stub named imports during unit tests
How I see end-to-end and component and unit tests working together
How to prune unused Docker images, delete large node_modules, and clean old Cypress binaries
Configure Renovate too only check updates for some dependencies and not all of them.
Code samples of my common continuous integration configuration files for GitHub Actions, CircleCI
How to verify Sentry call happens on an unhandled exception
How to scrape static site from GitHub Action using Algolia.
How to test static sites three times before and after deployment to GitHub pages.
90-second pitch for CitizenClimateLobby I gave at PKG meeting at MIT.
How to bundle and transpile your NPM module to run on older Node versions.
How to never have a wrong link in your README and other Markdown files.
We have plenty of natural offshore wind and solar resources to satisfy all our electricity needs many times over. To say that we can’t switch to all green, all renewable, all safe electricity 50 years after we went to the Moon is a lie, and not a very convincing lie. Ban gas infrastructure now.
An email I have sent to my friends at the end of 2019.
I have painted the roof of my house white to keep cool in the summer
How to pass passwords and tokens during Cypress tests to avoid accidentally revealing them in screenshots, videos and logs
Step by step guide to using Sinon.js mocking library with Mocha.js test runner
Collection of my talks about from recent conferences with videos and direct links to slides.
Run Prettier inside a GitHub Action to fix code formatting, quick NPM install with caching inside actions, running end-to-end Cypress tests using custom action.
A way to test Cypress examples in Markdown files to guarantee their correctness.
Cambridge, MA council candidates who put climate as the number one priority issue.
How to bypass user interface to directly dispatch actions to Angular 8 application from Cypress end-to-end tests.
How to use visual diffing service to prevent regressions in terminal programs.
How to set up Prettier, ESLint and VSCode per project and have your JavaScript auto-formatted without pulling your hair.
How to test your site in a child window rather than iframe when using Cypress.
How to patch fix installed NPM module to avoid waiting for an official bug fix.
How to run accessability contrast test against a page to prevent low-contrast problem.
How to filter the collected Mocha unit tests before running them.
How to detect from Cypress test when a page reloads using object property assertions.
The planet is burning. What we must do immediately.
Electrical bicycle is a superb mobility device.
How to bypass user interface when writing end-to-end tests.
How to perform end-to-end API testing using Cypress test runner and take advantage of server logs.
How to capture console.log, console.error and even DEBUG=... logs.
How to test web application running on localhost using Cypress running inside a Docker container
How to validate SSR page using test runner
How to achieve 100% code coverage by combining end-to-end and unit tests without losing your sanity.
How to instrument code on the fly using Parcel bundler and collect code coverage during end-to-end tests.
How to configure TypeScript and Webpack path aliases to load application code from Cypress tests
How to instrument application code and collect code coverage during Cypress E2E tests.
How to stub navigator API methods from Cypress E2E test.
Drive-by testing using test runner.
How to share packaged NPM tgz module on GitHub.
How to write readable tests using custom commands and custom Chai assertions.
End-to-end testing a rendered pizza using test runner and image diffing plugin.
End-to-end testing an SVG chart using test runner and image diffing Applitools plugin.
This blog post shows how to configure CircleCI to run Cypress in parallel mode for internal branches, while only use a single machine to run Cypress tests for external pull requests.
A few tips on how to use Zeit Now v2 serverless with TypeScript and a little bit of testing.
Step by step tutorial how to set up TypeScript support in Cypress using WebPack bundler.
Cypress allows any developer to fundamentally change how it looks and works, because it is just JavaScript code running inside a browser backed by a Node app.
Common mistakes to avoid when applying for a software job. Plus how to get a job if you have no relevant work experience yet.
Use any assertion inside "should(cb)" function to have Cypress auto-retry its command with your assertion function.
Use a separate environment variable name to avoid NPM tricking you.
How to test TodoMVC application that uses GraphQL.
How to use Maybe Monad to make your server middleware a little bit easier to reason about.
How to write a web application using a state machine and Hyperapp framework.
How to see which UI elements the end-to-end tests have interacted with.
How to require private NPM modules straight from GitHub without publishing them to NPM.
Create a React component using JSX and inject it into live application from a Cypress test.
How to mock GraphQL endpoints using Lunar from Cypress tests.
How to print from your Node programs in formats compatible with 3rd party logging tools.
Using Cypress end-to-end test runner to automate solving JavaScript equality game.
How to wait for a slow-starting application to bootstrap before running end-to-end Cypress tests.
How to load balance multiple Cypress end-to-end tests in parallel mode, or group different tests together and in general control test runs in any way you want.
Should a person just starting in QA field learn how to use or Selenium.
How to quickly mock process.env during unit testing.
How Cypress, Zeit Now GitHub app and Renovate app play well together to give you well tested PRs and keep your dependencies up to date with zero effort.
Carriage return character, progress bar and progressive enhancement.
How to test Gatsby static blog locally, on Netlify before deploying, and after deployment using Circle.
How to run any Node code from your end-to-end Cypress tests using `cy.task` command.
How to bundle individual components using Rollup for each Cypress test
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