You can quickly write live interactive component documentation and make sure it works as expected by testing it.
Starting with GraphQL - from zero to hero.
Playing with remote Redis service for quick caching.
Using DOM snapshot to catch a disappearing element plus sharing application config.
How to ensure your stubs are not called with unexpected arguments.
Must have sections, badges, flow.
Flexible and powerful automatic dependency upgrades for NPM packages.
How to debug Mocha tests running in Node using Chrome DevTools inspector.
Use subfolders installed as NPM dependencies to avoid long relative paths in require.
A quick look at the new bundler.
You can shorted your state mutations by using functional lenses.
Adding support to script type=module while testing Hyperapp as ES6 module.
Step by step end-to-end testing project "array-explorer".
Testing dev server hot reload using Cypress.
Quickly stringing data transformation using standard Ramda functions.
How to get IntelliSense help for your JSON files in modern IDEs.
Do not think every callbacks is sync or async.
How to execute multiple test tasks in parallel on CircleCI and TravisCI.
Writing E2E tests for Svelte.js app store using Cypress.
Small example of TodoMVC implemented using Vue.js and Vuex data store against REST backend.
How to make a very small Docker image with a Node application.
How to see a customized version of any website locally.
Notes from DevOps meetup panel on testing.
Interesting ideas in JavaScript test runners.
Using Mocha test context and its pitfalls.
Perform any action based on commits since last action.
A few examples of introducing functional programming into existing code.
Automatic period dependency update without much hassle.
Connecting Kliesli compositions or the advantages of good pipe insulation.
How I publish modules for older versions of Node.
How to deploy to GitHub pages from CI using SSH to authenticate.
Quickly run complex HTTP requests from terminal.
Incremental lint, Prettier, immutable rules.
Using functional lenses to modify objects by example.
Sometimes code refactoring removes need for advanced mocking in tests.
Do not mock your internal modules, mock system APIs instead!
Setting up a rock solid NPM module with semantic release in 30 seconds.
Randomize tests and run previously failed ones first for speed.
How a new VP should be judged.
Refactor code using functional approach (Maybe, immutable).
Use non-root user inside Docker container.
Collecting all inputs to each function to figure out missing test data.
Deriving Y Combinator that makes recursive functions without assignments possible.
A self-critique of my own code as a poster for the office.
How to pick the right JavaScript snapshot testing library.
Array or Observable - Ramda can do both!
Why would you want a function in a box?
How to distribute a tree-shaken library for your tree-shaken apps using Rollup.
How to ensure your Curl code snippets are working, plus generate documentation.
Use async / await in ServiceWorker code because browsers support both.
How to enforce a custom condition on a string.
How to use fallback with client-side routing to avoid 404 pages.
Replacement for testing pyramid.
How to patch a bug, use the fix in prod and submit the pull request in five minutes.
WebPack as a service for quick personal projects and examples.
Replacing the built-in OR and TERNARY operators with Maybe monads.
How I asked my coworkers to give me anonymous career advice.
When every function is pure, advanced async actions are easy.
Setting up and starting with TypeScript and Visual Studio Code editor.
A few examples of common mistakes when preparing presentation slides.
Tips and tricks for larger web apps.
A few ways ES6 removes boilerplate code.
How to do snapshot testing if the data frequently changes?
Writing tests should not be an afterthought.
My favorite semantic release plugins.
Framework-agnostic snapshot testing for Mocha, Jest, Vue, etc.
Call sites API does not support source maps, while exception stack does.
How to update the code comments during program execution.
Notes on small, simple off the shelf login solution for SPA and server.
Simple example showing automated client code change when module API changes.
Speed up resources by pushing them from a Node HTTP/2 server.
A few tips on getting the most out of E2E testing tool Cypress
A functor hides some piece of common imperative code (and makes it composable)
How exchanging a set of streams solves component communication.
How to send additional context for crashes that happen during E2E tests.
Imperative If/Else example implemented using Either monads and reactive style.
How to open custom protocol links from external applications in your Electron desktop app.
How to quickly find an error by bisecting the Git commit log.
How to use hashes for CDN resources.
How to run a database locally that syncs with central one.
4 Ops things that I am excited about today.
A screencast of ServiceWorker technology.
How to split a large pull request into several smaller ones.
How to setup semantic release on private GitLab and on-premises NPM registry.
Array, Promise and Maybe monads. Plus Docker is a functor.
Examples of useful functionality that can be used in Node without code changes.
FrontEndCamp NYC presentation about Cycle.js framework.
How to bundle a server including private modules and static files.
How to build multiple test bundles and run E2E test jobs in parallel.
How to roll over data when doing clean deploys using Zeit. Plus testing with Cypress!
Using NPM hooks and Zeit to send the semantic release notes to Slack.
How to set the semantic release tokens without going through the wizard.
Links to projects mentioned during BuzzJS presentation.
Small shortcut for using shell variable with default values in NPM scripts.
How to stop only if a specific expression becomes true.
Links to additional information included in my OSCON 2016 presentation.
A neat trick for making object property updates into a live event stream.
How to start and get better at using JavaScript in functional way.
A short guide to using for feature testing web pages.
Links to additional information included in my CycleCond 2016 presentation.