A very easy way of running E2E and component Cypress specs in parallel and combining the code coverage reports using GH Actions.
How to instrument React component tests and produce the code coverage report.
How to collect TypeScript code coverage using Cypress End-to-End tests.
How to cover the entire backend code using Cypress API tests.
How to achieve 100% code coverage by combining end-to-end and unit tests without losing your sanity.
How to instrument code on the fly using Parcel bundler and collect code coverage during end-to-end tests.
How to instrument application code and collect code coverage during Cypress E2E tests.
Collecting all inputs to each function to figure out missing test data.
A neat trick for making object property updates into a live event stream.
User acceptance testing with code coverage information using was-tested.
Separate and update JavaScript code coverage information using tested-commits.
If I had to design static source code analysis service
Remove unit testing coverage from the collected data.
Collecting JavaScript code coverage and sending to coveralls.io
Log loaded files, add code coverage and extra features on the fly.
How to get many useful things from unit test coverage information.