How to write AngularJS code inside server-side Jade templates.
Client side javascript error reporting using Sentry.
Advanced examples removing promise boilerplate code.
How to avoid unnecessary promise boilerplate code.
Using single time estimate for a task leads to inaccurate plans.
Quick demos using AngularJS library Restangular and JSON file backend.
An example of a weird browser behavior traced back to the minification step.
Checking input arguments before doing any computation helps to quickly debug problems.
Excellent book, highly recommend to read.
Best book to read from the masters of NodeJS.
Using different linting settings depending on the code age
How I categorize every piece of knowledge about software development
Fun for kids, language mastery for adults.
Main steps when deploying NodeJS app using Heroku CLI tool.
A must read for anyone programming distributed systems that include the browser.
How to get many useful things from unit test coverage information.
How to get many useful things from unit tests
Ordering of execution can be tricky in the JavaScript event loop.
Large projects have lots of downsides, split them up.
Clean Code A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert Martin.
unary, once, time, fluent and tap
Linting, CI, badges and pre-commit hooks for Node project.
iit, xit, ddescribe, xdescribe
How to run the async test suite setup.
Unit test suits with async setup functions.
Adapting signatures and preserving context in iterators.
Markdown is lightweight convention for text documents.
Excellent book on data and statistics.
Measuring and increasing number of jshint settings.
Tiny JavaScript examples that simplify and clean up your code.
Subject your life to constant low levels of stress to prepare for unpredictable events.
Invest into new developers early to reap compounded returns.
Keep dependencies up to date using next-update
Split large projects into small modules.
Run extensive testing from clean environment before pushing code to remote repo.
Great book on remote working in software industry.
Who do I listen to when selecting or learning a technology.
Run unit tests on every commit using git hook.
See the project build status for all projects at once.
Add build status, version and dependency badges to your
Quick API endpoint testing using several libraries.
Books, emails, websites for learning JavaScript, AngularJs and HTML5
Advice for developers moving from Windows to Mac OS X.
Quickly verify that necessary top level dependencies are installed.
Aliases simplify working with git commands
Detect some code problems using static analysis.