The difficulty using Promises vs the simplicity using reactive streams
How is Cycle.js a pure framework if I can listen to the UI events and output new DOM?
Small functional tips for RxJS
How much code do you need to run Cycle.js program?
Common code snippets for using Pug (formerly Jade) template language.
Test function for purity using isolated v8 execution context.
Setting up multiple applications in a single DigitalOcean instance via Dokku.
Helpful AngularJS code snippets.
Helpful JavaScript code snippets.
How to use semantic versioning with external services.
Verifying that a request to external service happens.
Shepherding Git commits from dev to stage to production.
The benefits of using ES6 parameter destructuring over options object pattern.
What to do if you want to compose multiple functions (hint - make them unary).
Node.js is really really really susceptible to code injection attacks.
How to make sure your Express or Koa server correctly sends crashes to exception monitoring service.
How I came up with idea and how I wrote wiseli
How to unit test Rx code on Node with Mocha (and Ava).
Deploying several microservices into the cloud with Tutum.
A single data structure holding program's state has a name - database.
Refactoring common auth flow from callbacks into Tasks.
Deploying website and microservice containers to production.
Building microservices with Fuge
Manage side effects when coding NodeJS servers with Rx and Cycle.js (NOT about server-side rendering).
How to write innovative, unusual and simply cool software.
Once you have a Promise instance the action has already started. Task instance does not run until someone calls .fork()
How to use ES6 and target older NodeJS platforms without mangling the code to the lowest common denominator
My build process that can precisely target any Nodejs environment using Rollup, ES6 Feature tests and Babel.
Single function modules, flat libraries and applications.
Plus how to run a web application when the JavaScript itself is disabled*.
How to build and distribute libraries via NPM using WebPack bundler.
Three things I try to do as a senior engineer
An instantly loading, self-rewriting application using ServiceWorker - it is like server rendering inside your browser.
Generate the initial HTML markup from web app at build time to avoid blank screen.
Remove the empty page flicker on web application startup.
My collection of personal CLI apps to speed up NodeJS development.
How to pass logic instead of data in functional programming.
What useful ES6 features can we use right now?
Preventing easy to catch JavaScript bugs using linters.
How to use CircleCI to publish new versions of your NPM modules.
The most interesting presentations I have seen last month.
Generating JavaScript configurtion snippets from templates to be used with the Content-Security-Policy and disabled inline scripts.
Use JS to JS template engine in Express to ban all inlined JavaScript.
How to monkey patch a broken global Node package, if you have to.
How to measure size and publish smaller modules to NPM.
How to deploy your own server to receive real time crash data.
How to finish strong in any hackathon.
Modify the function's variables after the function executed.
Leave hooks in the AngularJS application to allow measuring how long individual actions take.
How to compute the filter's result asynchronously.
Remove unnecessary code while preserving the same code semantics.
How to wrap functions that depend on the environment for clean unit testing.
Eval is limited in its power plus the only time I found `this` variable useful.
How to preserve reference to data when factoring out model data to services.
Change live Angular application plus unit test private code from Node.
Building Angular application from CommonJS modules and powerful unit testing.
Changing a piece of imperative code to be purely functional
Introduction to Angular data model vs view update.
Instead of returning an error code or value, return a Promise.
Using and observing ExpressJS sessions from the client code.
Unit testing AngularJS code in record time using ng-describe.
Autofix JavaScript style issues using jscs.
Scope-based vs object-oriented controllers in Angular
How to load and use ES2015 in the Chrome DevTools console without any 3rd party extensions.
Building projects without having Grunt installed globally.
How to always load a 3rd party library in DevTools console
Use Mocha and the package script commands to quickly start unit testing CommonJS code.
Convert an asynchronous operation to promise-returning one.
Leave executable examples inside source files for future reference.
How to store multiple values in a promise chain using an object.
Companion notes to the "Self-improving software" presentation
How to design a simple to use and powerful library API.
Steps to develop good ExpressJS based application server.
Links and resources for learning ReactJS.
Publish tagged versions to NPM after successful CI build.
Scoring the cold recruiter pitches I received. Plus a few examples.
Avoid loading source files - put the code directly into the require cache.
How to embed and fetch version information for a specific Angular module.
How to include version and useful meta information in the JavaScript libraries.
What is wrong with Google Play? Is there anyone who listens to any music at that company?
Compromise functions private to closures via partially applied references.
Bind some properties in the options object.
Grab a subset of a complex object using functional-extract utility.
Optimizing "legoizer" web worker application to run 10 times faster.
Adding new features to an existing function via lifting.
Writing mock stdin text in your Nodejs unit tests.
Notes from a unique team productivity event.
Replace if conditions with functors and applicatives.
Create and destroy an Express.js server in each unit test.
Speed up Node.js application startup by caching require path resolutions.
How to avoid creeping lexical scope in asynchronous code.
How to unit test Node applications that use RethinkDB.
Small feature in RethinkDB data explorer that shows they get it.
Simplify middleware using higher-order functions.
How to embed the commit id in the Express application using Codeship and Heroku.
Infographic with the main stats on these three frameworks.
My presentation ideas, abstracts and cfps.
Load and run full AngularJS 1.x in browser's separate thread.
Run any function in a separate web worker thread using ng-webworker.
Speeding up Angular 1.x demo to be on par with React