
Examples of connecting commands in Cypress, for a full reference of commands, go to docs.cypress.ioopen in new window

.each()open in new window

To iterate over the elements of a current subject, use the .each() command.

<ul class="connectors-each-ul">
  <li>Lara Williams</li>
  <li>William Grey</li>
  <li>Monica Pharrel</li>
cy.get('.connectors-each-ul>li').each(function (
) {
  console.log($el, index, $list)

Iterate over numbers using cy.each

You can iterate over array elements using cy.each

cy.wrap([1, 2, 3, 4]).each((number) => {

cy.each yields the original value

The values returned from the cy.each(callback) do not affect the value yielded after the iterations. The original value is yielded to the next command.

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
  .each((number) => {
    return number * 2
  // the same array reference is yielded
  // to the next assertion
  .should('equal', numbers)

For more cy.each examples, see the cy.each recipe and Collect Headings recipe.

Put complex logic into each callback

Let's say that we want to confirm that each element in the list has the text content Item <index> where the index starts with 1, and the tooltip attribute is Click me.

<ul class="items">
  <li title="Click me">Item: 1</li>
  <li title="Click me">Item: 2</li>
  <li title="Click me">Item: 3</li>
cy.get('.items>li').each(function ($el, index, $list) {
    .should('have.text', `Item: ${index + 1}`)
    .and('have.attr', 'title', 'Click me')

.its()open in new window

To get the properties on the current subject, use the .its() command. For example, if the subject is the list of found elements, we can grab its length property and use it in the assertion:

<ul class="connectors-its-ul">
  // calls the 'length' property returning that value
  .should('', 2)
// tip: this is an equivalent assertion
cy.get('.connectors-its-ul>li').should('', 2)

Array index

When dealing with a collection, like an Array or a jQuery object, you can pass an index to get a single item.

cy.wrap(['hello', 'there', 'world'])
  // index starts with 0, so we will get
  // the second item in the array
  .should('equal', 'world')

See also get the last item recipe.

Retries automatically

The cy.its command retries finding the property until the property exists or the command times out. You can control the retry period by setting an explicit timeout parameter. For example, when checking a response from the cy.request command, the subject cannot change, thus you can safely use cy.its('property', {timeout: 0}) option.

  setTimeout(function () {
    window.appCustomField = 42
  }, 1000)
// the following chain of commands checks the "window" object
// again and again until the application sets the property "appCustomField"
// The value of the property is yielded to the assertion
cy.window().its('appCustomField').should('equal', 42)
// tip: alternative solution using a single assertion
// (which cannot have nested paths compared to the cy.its command)
  'property added',

Sometimes we do not need the automatic retries. For example, the result of cy.request will never change. To avoid unnecessary retries and waiting, we can set the timeout to zero for the cy.its command.

// We can avoid unnecessary retries when getting the property
// using the "timeout: 0" option
  .its('body', { timeout: 0 })
  .should('include.keys', 'id', 'name', 'email')

For more, read the Cypress retry-ability guideopen in new window and watch The cy.its Command Examples With Retries And Withoutopen in new window.

Nested properties

Under the hood, .its uses Lodash method, thus you can grab the nested values using dot notation:

const person = {
  name: {
    first: 'Joe',
    last: 'Smith',
  organizationIds: [
      id: 1,
      name: 'Acme, inc',
      id: 2,
      name: 'IEEE',
  // grab nested property using "." notation
  .should('equal', 'Joe')
// the dot notation works with arrays
  .should('equal', 'IEEE')

jQuery to DOM element

All Cypress querying commands yield a jQuery object. You can get the individual DOM elements in several ways.

<ol id="fruits">

Method 1: use a nested cy.its property

// yields a jQuery object with 3 elements
cy.get('#fruits li')
  .should('have.length', 3)
  // jQuery element access by index [1]
  // yields a DOM element, and then we access
  // its property "innerText"
  .should('equal', 'Pears')

Method 2: use the cy.eq and cy.invoke commands

// equivalent to the combination of commands
cy.get('#fruits li')
  // yields the jQuery element at index 1
  // invokes the jQuery method text()
  .should('equal', 'Pears')

Method 3: invoke the jQuery get(index) method

// instead of ".its" or ".eq" commands
// we can call the jQuery method "get(index)"
// to yield a single jQuery element
cy.get('#fruits li').invoke('get', 2).invoke('text')

Note: invoking the jQuery get(index) method should yield a plain DOM element, but Cypress automatically wraps DOM elements in a jQuery object when yielding to the next command or assertion. Thus we use the cy.invoke('text') command

.invoke()open in new window

To invoke a function on a current subject, use the .invoke() command.

<div class="connectors-div">This is a div</div>
  // hide this div so we can invoke show later
  // call the jquery method 'show' on the 'div.container'

Invoke a method with several arguments

Let's "clean up" the text in this formatted phone number before confirming the right number to call.

<div data-cy="phone">(123) 456-7890</div>
  .then(($el) => $el.text())
  .invoke('replace', /\D/g, '')
  .should('eq', '1234567890')

Invoke asynchronous method

If the method returns a Promise, cy.invoke automatically waits for it. But if you need the resolved value, you need to use cy.then to invoke the method instead 🤯

<div class="connectors-div">This is a div</div>
  // application adds its instance to the "window" = {
    fetchName() {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          resolve('My App')
        }, 1000)
// wait for the "app.fetchName" to finish

If we want to confirm the resolved value, have to call the method ourselves

  .then((app) => app.fetchName())
  .should('equal', 'My App')

Or we can insert an truthy assertion and get the resolved value later

  .then((s) => expect(s).to.equal('My App'))

Tip: use cypress-mapopen in new window plugin which has cy.invokeOnce method that waits for asynchronous methods by default and yields the resolved value.

.spread()open in new window

Spread an array

To spread an array as individual arguments to a callback function, use the .spread() command.

const arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

cy.wrap(arr).spread(function (foo, bar, baz) {

Spread DOM elements

If the previous command yields a jQuery object, it can be spread into individual DOM elements.

<ol id="friends">
  <li>The best friend</li>
  <li>Childhood friend</li>
  <li>An acquaintance</li>
cy.get('#friends li').spread((top, middle, last) => {
  // each argument here is a DOM element
  // we can confirm the element's properties
  expect(top, 'top').to.have.text('The best friend')
  expect(middle, 'middle').to.include.text('Childhood')
  expect(last.innerText, 'last').to.match(/^An acq/)

Spread network intercepts

<button id="load-resources">Load resources</button>
    .addEventListener('click', function () {
      // the application requests multiple resources
      const root = ''
      fetch(root + '/users/1')
      fetch(root + '/users/2')
      fetch(root + '/users/3')
// spy on multiple network requests
cy.intercept('GET', '/users/1').as('first')
cy.intercept('GET', '/users/2').as('second')
cy.intercept('GET', '/users/3').as('third')
// wait for the intercepts and spread them into individual arguments
cy.wait(['@first', '@second', '@third']).spread(
  (first, second, third) => {
      // make sure we log the results first
      // before making assertions
      .then(() => {
        expect(first.request.url, 'first').to.match(/\/1$/)
        expect(second.request.url, 'second').to.match(/\/2$/)
        expect(third.request.url, 'third').to.match(/\/3$/)

.then()open in new window

The cy.then command is a very interesting and controversial topic. In my opinion, it is a very powerful and useful command, but it should have been called something elseopen in new window, like cy.later. Anyway, here is how you can use cy.then in your specs.

Synchronous callback

<ul class="connectors-list">
  <li>Walk the dog</li>
  <li>Feed the cat</li>
  <li>Write JavaScript</li>

To invoke a callback function with the current subject, use the .then() command.

cy.get('.connectors-list>li').then(function ($lis) {
  expect($lis.eq(0)).to.contain('Walk the dog')
  expect($lis.eq(1)).to.contain('Feed the cat')
  expect($lis.eq(2)).to.contain('Write JavaScript')

Use promises

If the cy.then(callback) function returns a Promise, Cypress automatically yields the resolved value to the next command or assertion. If that promise is rejected, then the test fails.

  .then((ms) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => resolve('done'), 1000)
  // yields the resolved value
  // after 1 second
  .should('equal', 'done')

Use async syntax

Here is the truth. The following async and return new Promise are equivalent, so you can use async callbacks with cy.then

async function delay(ms) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve('done'), ms)

  .then(async (ms) => {
    await delay(500)
    return await delay(1000)
  // yields the resolved value
  // after 1.5 second
  .should('equal', 'done')

Return a value

If the callback function returns a value, it is yielded to the next callback, just like in a Promise callback.

cy.log('**Return value**')
  .then((num) => {

    return 2
  .then((num) => {

Keep the current subject

But unlike a Promise, if undefined is returned, then the original value passed into the .then(cb) is yielded to the next callback.

cy.log('**Returning undefined**')
  .then((num) => {
    // note that nothing is returned from this callback
  .then((num) => {
    // this callback receives the original unchanged value 1

This is very useful when logging the current subject to the DevTools using console.log

  // passes the subject to console.log
  // which returns undefined
  // yields the original subject
  .should('equal', 'Hello')

Cypress commands inside the callback

If there are Cypress commands in the .then(cb) callback, then the value yielded by the last command will be passed to the next callback.

cy.log('**Returning wrapped value**')
  .then((num) => {
    // note how we run a Cypress command
    // the result yielded by this Cypress command
    // will be passed to the second ".then"
  .then((num) => {
    // this callback receives the value yielded by "cy.wrap(2)"

Callback should return a promise

⚠️ There is one big warning that you should be aware when using Promises in JavaScript (not just with Cypress). Because promises are eageropen in new window, then start running immediately when created. Let's take the following utility functions.

async function delay(ms) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve('done'), ms)

async function printWithDelay(message, ms) {
  console.log('before: %s', message)
  await delay(ms)
  return message

What do you think you will see in the DevTools Console when the following test runs?

cy.wrap('Promise me').then(console.log).wait(2000)
cy.wrap(printWithDelay('Yup', 1000)).then(console.log)

You will see

before: Yup
Promise me

The order is strange. The before: Yup is printed before Cypress even queues its commands and starts running them. We call printWithDelay('Yup', 1000) and this immediately executes. Thus you see

before: Yup

Then the cy.wrap('Promise me').then(console.log) executes and prints

before: Yup
Promise me

Then Cypress command at this point is executing cy.wait(2000). At some point the setTimeout inside delay fires, and printWithDelay prints

before: Yup
Promise me

Notice how cy.wrap correctly takes already resolved promise and yields its return value to the last .then(console.log) printing the last Yup.

⚠️ The lesson here is: do not put promises into the Cypress commands, put callbacks that return a promise. Then the async functions will run in order with the normal Cypress commands.

Start command chain with a promise

If you want to wait for a promise at the start of the test, use cy.then(callback)

async function delay(ms) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve('done'), ms)

async function printWithDelay(message, ms) {
  console.log('before: %s', message)
  await delay(ms)
  return message

cy.wrap('test start').then(console.log)
cy.then(() => printWithDelay('first cy.then', 1000)).then(() =>
  console.log('second cy.then'),

This prints the log messages as expected, here I am including the timestamps

11:23:16.573 test start
11:23:16.574 before: first cy.then
11:23:17.575 first cy.then
11:23:17.576 second cy.then

The printWithDelay starts after the command chain cy.wrap('test start').then(console.log) finishes.

Tip: you can place your async code into beforeEach hook. The test runner automatically waits for the hooks to finish before starting the tests.