I published my first post on my personal blog 10 (TEN!) years ago. Wow. It seems only yesterday I wrote a reflection post 1 year of blogging, and yet, now it is 2023 and I have written almost 800 blog posts
1 | $ ls -la source/_posts/*.md | wc -l |
Instead of the testing pyramid, the posts form a category pyramid with a very wide base.
Here are a examples from each category:
- products are blog posts like this one that talks about Node loader
- process an example is a blog post about defensive coding
- people category has posts about interviewing and my tips for improving your professional success
The very first post
The very first blog post was about JSHint. Here it is
Looking back those 2013 posts were about testing, quality, updating dependencies - things I still care and learn about today. I still write mostly for myself, because I forget how to do things otherwise. I am glad people find the blog useful and visit it more than a million times a month.
My favorite posts
Here are the posts I myself consult a lot, either directly or via site: glebbahmutov.com/blog
Tip: for anything I wrote or recorded regarding Cypress, I recommend searching via https://cypress.tips/search page. I scrape the content myself, so it finds pretty good results.
I found the following trick to make my posts really useful even after many years have passed. I keep updating them. You can see "Update 1: ...", "Update 2: ...", etc in some blog posts, like Picking JavaScript testing framework. Sometimes I use headings "Bonus 1: ...", "Bonus 2: ...", like in Trying Lighthouse post.
My second trick is to always link the source repo to the blog post. And of course, I automate dependency updates, so that the repo still works hopefully.
The future
Well, I can't stop now, can I? I will keep writing on topics related mostly to software quality. And sometimes I will write about climate. Ohhh, and I got to add a dark color theme to this site, it is pretty hard to read at night.