Skip Child Element

Watch this recipe examples in my video Remove Child Element Before Comparing The Element's Own Textopen in new window.

Remove child elements by selector

We need to get the "div#make" element's text, but without the text of the child element "span.picked".

<div id="make">
  Honda Civic
  <span class="picked">(3 out of 4)</span>
.picked {
  font-size: smaller;
  font-weight: lighter;
// by default "trim()" returns the inner text of
// the element, including the children elements' text
  .should('equal', 'Honda Civic\n  (3 out of 4)')

To remove the span.picked from the found element, we can use the jQuery removeopen in new window method. We must make sure we are not removing it from the page itself, thus we call jQuery cloneopen in new window method first.

// clone the parent element,
// remove the child element we do not need
// to include in the text comparison
  .then(($el) => {
    return $el.text().trim()
  .should('equal', 'Honda Civic')

Remove all children elements

<div id="make">
  Honda Civic
  <span class="picked">(3 out of 4)</span>
.picked {
  font-size: smaller;
  font-weight: lighter;
  .then(($el) => {
    // remove all children elements
    // leaving just the element itself
    return $el.text().trim()
  .should('equal', 'Honda Civic')

Use a test selector

Instead of removing children elements, a better solution would be to have a test selector for the element we are interested in.

<div id="make">
  <span class="model">Honda Civic</span>
  <span class="picked">(3 out of 4)</span>
.picked {
  font-size: smaller;
  font-weight: lighter;
// using cy.get() plus assertion combination
cy.get('#make .model').should('have.text', 'Honda Civic')
// or even simpler by using cy.contains command
cy.contains('#make .model', 'Honda Civic')

See also