Find row by the exact table cell text

Using text

Imagine that in this table we want to find the row with the second cell having the exact text "b". You can watch a video explaining this recipe at Find row by the exact table cell textopen in new window.

table td {
  border: 1px solid gray;
  padding: 5px;
    <tr data-k="1">
    <tr data-k="2">

We want to pick a table row that has the second cell with exact text "b" (while avoiding matching cells like "bbb"). We can use the cy.containsopen in new window and cy.parentopen in new window to find that row. We can also use the cy.getopen in new window + cy.filteropen in new window combination.

// select the cells in the second column
cy.get('table tbody td:nth-child(2)').should('have.length', 2)
// select that cell in the second column with the exact test "b"
// using the cy.contains command
cy.contains('table tbody td:nth-child(2)', /^b$/)
  .should('have.attr', 'data-k', '2')
// Alternative: use a custom cy.filter callback
cy.get('table tbody tr')
  .filter((k, tr) => {
    return tr.children[1].innerText === 'b'
  .should('have.attr', 'data-k', '2')

Using a variable

Imagine we have a variable with the exact text we want to find in one of the cells, and then we want to grab the table row. But our text is in a variable name. How do we find a table cell with that exact text?

Find this recipe explained in the video 📺 Find The Table Row Using The Exact Cell Textopen in new window.

table td {
  border: 1px solid gray;
  padding: 5px;
      <td>Product name</td>
    <tr data-k="1">
      <td>apple cider</td>
    <tr data-k="2">
      <td>apple sauce</td>
    <tr data-k="3">
      <td>crab apple</td>
    <tr data-k="4">
// the exact cell text to find
const name = 'apple'
// find the cell with the exact text by constructing
// a regular expression from our variable
cy.contains('td', new RegExp('^' + name + '$'))
  .should('have.attr', 'data-k', '4')
  // or get the row's index among its siblings
  // 4th row = index 3 (zero-based)
  .should('equal', 3)