Search part of the list
If we have a list, and want to find an element in just some items, we need to use the jQuery list. For example, let's find the <li id="answer">workspace1</li>
element in the items after the <li>org2</li>
Find the index yourself
<ul id="list">
<li id="answer">workspace1</li>
// first, let's grab all list items
cy.get('#list li')
.then(($allItems) => {
// find the index of the "org2" item
const org2Index = Cypress._.findIndex(
($item) => $item.innerText === 'org2',
expect(org2Index, 'found org2 item index')
// return part of the list after the found item
return Cypress._.slice($allItems, org2Index + 1)
// we now are working with part of the list after "org2" item
// let's make sure we have a few items
.should('', 'answer')
Use cy.nextUntil
Another solution is to use .nextUntil command.
<ul id="list">
<li id="answer">workspace1</li>
// alternative solution: slice using cy.nextUntil
cy.get('#list li')
.contains('li', 'org2')
// all LI siblings after "<li>org2</li>" element
.should('have.length', 2)
.should('', 'answer')
jQuery index and slice
Yet another solution would find the index of the list item using jQuery index, then slice the list using jQuery slice, and continue the search from there.
<ul id="list">
<li id="answer">workspace1</li>
cy.get('#list li')
.contains('li', 'org2')
// call jQuery index method
.should('be.gte', 0)
.then((k) => {
cy.get('#list li')
// call jQuery slice method
.invoke('slice', k)
.should('have.length', 3)
// hmm, for some reason fails
// to call cy.contains unless we call cy.wrap
.should('', 'answer')