Prepare To Spy

📺 Watch these examples explained in the video Prepare To Spy On A Method Added Dynamicallyopen in new window.

Wait for the property to exist

We can automatically wait for a new window property to be added before spying on it. For example, let's spy on the window.logEvent method after the application sets it up.

<button id="action">Action!</button>
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('loading app')
    window.logEvent = (name) => console.log('log event %s', name)
    // immediately log something
  }, 10)
    .addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log('loading test')
cy.window().then((win) => {
  cy.spy(win, 'logEvent').as('logEvent')

Now we can click on the button and confirm the spy logEvent is called correctly.

cy.contains('button', 'Action').click()

Prepare to spy

But what about the very first logEvent call? The once that happens immediately after the application creates it?

window.logEvent = (name) => console.log('log event %s', name)
// immediately log something

How do we spy on the logEvent('initialized') call? By the time the test "figures" out the new property exists, it is too late.

// too late, the app already called it
<button id="action">Action!</button>
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('loading app')
    window.logEvent = (name) => console.log('log event %s', name)
    // immediately log something
  }, 10)
    .addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log('loading test')
// prepare new stub instance
const stub = cy.stub().as('logEvent')
// prepare for the application to set "window.logEvent"
cy.window().then((win) => {
  let logEvent
  Object.defineProperty(win, 'logEvent', {
    get() {
      return logEvent
    set(method) {
      // we want to spy on the "window.logEvent",
      // so we call the real method function
      logEvent = stub.callsFake(method)

As soon as the application tries to set the window.logEvent = ... we "catch" the assignment and wrap it in our Sinon stub.
