Parse Email URL

Imagine the application opens a popup window just to send an email. The app might set the window location to load a specially formatted URL that would prompt the browser to open a local email client to actually send it. The URL would look like this mailto:recipient?subject=...&body=.... Each key is encoded.

In the example below the email body has a link we want to test. We need to

  • stub the method call
  • grab the window URL and parse it
  • extract the discount link URL from the email body text
  • confirm the coupon text GLEB10OFF

Tip: I have covered stubbing in the Stub and Window open recipes.

📝 Read the blog post Parse Email Urlopen in new window

A single command chain

<button id="email">Share link</button>
  .addEventListener('click', () => {
    const params = new URLSearchParams()
    params.append('subject', 'Use this promotion code')
        'Hello, friend',
        'Here is your link to get a discount',
    const emailUrl = 'mailto:recipient?' + params.toString()

First, we need to prepare the method call by stubbing it.

cy.window().then((win) => {
  cy.stub(win, 'open').as('open')

Click on the button to get the app to call the stub

cy.contains('button', 'Share link').click()

Confirm the was called with a string as the first argument

  .should('have.been.calledOnceWith', Cypress.sinon.match.string)
  // confirm the URL is an e mail link
  .should('match', /^mailto:recipient\?/)
  // grab the search arguments after the "?"
  .invoke('split', '?')
  // parse the search arguments using URLSearchParams API
  .then((s) => new URLSearchParams(s))
  .then((params) => {
    // confirm individual fields
    // notice that values are already decoded by the URLSearchParams
    expect(params.get('subject'), 'subject').to.equal(
      'Use this promotion code',
    // let's work with the "body" text
    return params.get('body')
  .should('be.a', 'string')
  // split the text into individual lines if needed
  .invoke('split', '\r')
  // the last line is the invite link
  // confirm it is a HTTPS link
  .should('match', /^https:\/\//)
  // the discount code is the last part of the URL in our case
  .invoke('split', '/')
  .should('equal', 'GLEB10OFF')

Tip: thanks to Dominik Kratzopen in new window for suggesting simply parsing URL using the URL.parseopen in new window static method. You would need a URL.parse polyfill if using an older browser to run tests.

  .should('have.been.calledOnceWith', Cypress.sinon.match.string)
  .invoke('get', 'body')
  .should('include', 'GLEB10OFF')

Helpers and aliases

Note: above I created a long chain of queries, commands, and assertions. You can simplify the same test using cypress-mapopen in new window and cy-spokopen in new window plugins, and you can store intermediate values using Cypress aliases

<button id="email">Share link</button>
  .addEventListener('click', () => {
    const params = new URLSearchParams()
    params.append('subject', 'Use this promotion code')
        'Hello, friend',
        'Here is your link to get a discount',
    const emailUrl = 'mailto:recipient?' + params.toString()

Our test starts the same way and stores the email URL params in an alias

cy.window().then((win) => {
  cy.stub(win, 'open').as('open')
cy.contains('button', 'Share link').click()
// get the email URL parameters
  .should('match', /^mailto:recipient\?/)
  // grab the search arguments after the "?"
  .invoke('split', '?')
  // store the encoded search params string in an alias

We now have the encoded URL search parameters in an alias params. We can convert it to a plain object via URLSearchParamsopen in new window API.

  .should('have.keys', ['subject', 'body'])
  // confirm the email subject text
  .and('', 'subject', 'Use this promotion code')

Get the email body and extract the HTTPS link. Imagine the link could be anywhere, so let's use a regular expression with a named capture group.

  .should('be.a', 'string')
  .invoke('match', /(?<link>https:\/\/\S+)/)
  .should('be.a', 'string')

Now we can validate the link or visit it. Let's confirm the text GLEB10OFF is one of the path segments

  .invoke('split', '/')
  .should('include', 'GLEB10OFF')