OR Attributes assertion

You can watch the explanation for this recipe in the video Check One Of Several Attributes Or Its Valuesopen in new window.

One of several possible attributes

Let's confirm that an element we found has an attribute X OR has an attribute Y.

<div id="person1" data-name="A">first person</div>
<div id="person2" data-job="B">second person</div>
<!-- this element lacks the attributes we are looking for -->
<div id="person3">third person</div>

We want to confirm the given element either has the data-name attribute or has the data-job attribute. We can write such non-deterministic logic using should(callback) function.

function hasAttribute($el) {
  // check the presence of an attribute
  // using the DOM Element "hasAttribute" method
  if (
    $el[0].hasAttribute('data-name') ||
  ) {
    // all good, the element has one of the attributes
  } else {
    throw new Error('Missing the required attributes')

// enable to see a failed assertion
// cy.get('#person3').should(hasAttribute)

One of several possible values

Let's say we are looking for an attribute, but it can have multiple values.

<div id="person1" data-name="Joe">first person</div>

We want to confirm the data-name attribute is either "Joe" or "Mary". We can get the attribute's value using have.attr name assertion, which yields the value, and then apply the be.oneOf assertion.

  .should('have.attr', 'data-name')
  // yields the "data-name" attribute's value
  .should('be.oneOf', ['Joe', 'Mary'])

One of several possible values with retries

Even when chaining the assertions, they still apply to the same element. Thus even if the expected value of the attribute is set later, the test still finds it correctly.

<div id="person1" data-name="Bob">first person</div>
  setTimeout(() => {
      .setAttribute('data-name', 'Mary')
  }, 1000)
  .should('have.attr', 'data-name')
  // yields the "data-name" attribute's value
  .should('be.oneOf', ['Joe', 'Mary'])