No Extra Messages Appear

📝 This recipe is explained in the blog post Shrink The Time Gapopen in new window and in the video 📺 Shrink The Time Gapopen in new window.

Extra messages can appear

Let's take an example where between the click and the final state an error message might flash. How do we confirm the extra messages do NOT appear?

<div id="app-main">
  <button id="load">Click to load</button>
  const main = document.getElementById('app-main')
  const load = document.getElementById('load')
  load.addEventListener('click', () => {
    load.innerText = 'Loading...'
    const showExtra = Math.random() < 1
    if (showExtra) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        main.innerHTML =
          '<p class="error">Something went wrong...</p>'
      }, 1000)
    setTimeout(() => {
      main.innerHTML = '<p>Loaded</p>'
    }, 2000)

The positive assertions below do NOT catch the flashing error message.

cy.contains('button', 'load')
  .should('have.text', 'Loading...')
// confirm the final state

Catch any extra elements

<div id="app-main">
  <button id="load">Click to load</button>
  const main = document.getElementById('app-main')
  const load = document.getElementById('load')
  load.addEventListener('click', () => {
    load.innerText = 'Loading...'
    // set the limit to 1 to see the error message
    // appear in between loading and the loaded states
    const showExtra = Math.random() < 0
    if (showExtra) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        main.innerHTML =
          '<p class="error">Something went wrong...</p>'
      }, 1000)
    setTimeout(() => {
      main.innerHTML = '<p>Loaded</p>'
    }, 2000)

Combine a negative assertion "the initial element disappears" with a second check that has very short timeout. The success message "Loaded" should appear very quickly after the previous message "Loading" goes away. This catches any other elements trying to sneak in between.

cy.contains('button', 'load')
  .should('have.text', 'Loading...')
// the "Loading..." element goes away
cy.contains('button', 'Loading...').should('not.exist')
// and the final state appears very quickly
cy.contains('Loaded', { timeout: 10 })