Be very careful with instanceof assertion

When working with Cypress tests there are 3 different window and document objects. You are mostly interested in the application's window and document, while your tests execute in the spec's window space. Thus if you grab an HTML DOM element from the application and check if it's an instance of HTMLElement you will get false - because you are using the HTMLElement from the spec's window globals.

<div id="name">Joe</div>
cy.get('#name').should(($el) => {
  expect($el[0], 'is element')

When you use globals like HTMLDivElement they are automatically looked up from the window object. Thus we need to use the correct window.HTMLDivElement when confirming the instance of an element that comes from the application's iframe.

cy.window().then((win) => {
  cy.get('#name').should(($el) => {
    // ✅ a DOM element retrieved from the application's window
    // is an instance of that window's HTMLDivElement
    expect($el[0], 'is element')

If you want to construct new DOM elements with proper prototype, you need to use the application's document.

cy.document().then((doc) => {
  const div = doc.createElement('div')
  // the constructed DIV is NOT an element
  // from the spec's own window
  expect(div, 'spec')
  // check the constructed element against the app's iframe
  cy.window().then((win) => {
    expect(div, 'app window')

Watch the video Correctly Using instanceof Assertion In Cypress Testopen in new window.

Using the "with" statement

There is one other way to "trick" the instanceof check to use the right HTMLDivElement. By default, JavaScript engine looks up non-local reference like HTMLDivElement in the global object, which in this case is the wrong window. You can override the lookup, and force the JS engine to use a given object via the with statementopen in new window. I do not recommend doing this, as using the with statement can lead to weird behavior and hard to debug bugs. But I want to give you the complete picture, so here it is:

cy.log('**with window**')
cy.window().then((window) => {
  // get the application's window and use with(window)
  // to look up the correct "HTMLDivElement" when needed
  with (window) {
    cy.get('#name').should(($el) => {
      expect($el[0], 'is element')

Looking up cy.window every time you need to use it might be annoying. You can probably get away with fetching it from the internal cy.state object; that is a synchronous operation.

const win = cy.state('window')
with (win) {
  cy.get('#name').should(($el) => {
    expect($el[0], 'is element')