Table rows having cells with the given attribute

📺 Watch this recipe in Complex Find Table Rows Exampleopen in new window.

Plain Cypress commands

Imagine we see the following table, and need to find rows that have 2nd column cells inside with the attribute "data-testid=checked". We can use the jQuery :has selector.

    <td data-testid="unchecked"></td>

    <td data-testid="checked"></td>

    <td data-testid="checked"></td>

Finds table rows with any cell with the attribute "data-testid=checked":

cy.get('table tr:has(td[data-testid=checked])').should(

Find the table rows with cells in the 2nd column only having possible attribute "data-testid=checked":

cy.get('table tr:has(td:nth-child(2)[data-testid=checked])')
  .should('have.length', 2)
  // grab the values from the first column
  // extract text from each element
  .then(($el) =>$el, 'innerText'))
  // convert strings to numbers
  .then((strings) =>
  .should('deep.equal', [23, 45])

Cypress-map queries

Tip: the above data processing steps could be written simpler using the cypress-mapopen in new window plugin:

    <td data-testid="unchecked"></td>


  // the application updates the cells after a delay
  setTimeout(() => {
      .querySelector('table tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)')
      .setAttribute('data-testid', 'checked')
  }, 1000)
  setTimeout(() => {
      .querySelector('table tr:nth-child(3) td:nth-child(2)')
      .setAttribute('data-testid', 'checked')
  }, 2000)
cy.get('table tr:has(td:nth-child(2)[data-testid=checked])')
  // grab the values from the first column
  // extract text from each element
  // convert strings to numbers
  .should('deep.equal', [23, 45])

Bonus: the entire chain of queries will retry and work even if the cells and rows are updated asynchronously.