Enabled elements

Get all enabled buttons

📺 Watch this recipe in the video Enabled Elementsopen in new window.

<button disabled="disabled">two</button>
<button disabled="disabled">three</button>

You can use the jQuery :enabled selector to query the page using cy.get

cy.get('button:enabled').should('have.length', 4)

You can use the jQuery :disabled selector, which is the opposite of :enabled

cy.get('button:disabled').should('have.length', 2)

You can get the "is enabled" status of each element using cy.then callback

  // note: cy.then is not a query, so it won't retry
  .then(($btn) =>
    // use jQuery bundled to with Cypress to check each DOM element
    $btn.toArray().map((el) => Cypress.$(el).is(':enabled')),
  .should('deep.equal', [true, false, false, true, true, true])

Let's use built-in HTML element property disabled to check the buttons.

  // note: cy.then is not a query, so it won't retry
  .then(($btn) => $btn.toArray().map((el) => !el.disabled))
  .should('deep.equal', [true, false, false, true, true, true])

If you are using cypress-mapopen in new window, which you should, you can grab the property of each element using the cy.map query. Note that you need to flip the boolean values by mapping them through the not function.

// construct the "not" function that simply
// returns the inverse of the boolean value
const not = (x) => !x
  // cy.map and cy.print are from cypress-map plugin
  .print('disabled %o')
  .should('deep.equal', [true, false, false, true, true, true])

See also