Dataset HTML attributes

You can store non-html information in the element data-* attributes and access them via dataset property.

Convert dataset to a plain object

📺 Watch this recipe explained at Confirm All HTML data- Attributes At Once By Using The dataset Propertyopen in new window.

  All about electric cards

All data-* properties are collected in a single object. Property names are camel-cased, all values are strings. We can confirm a single property

  .should('have.prop', 'dataset')
  .should('equal', '12314')
// equivalent to checking the "data-*" attribute

Let's try confirming all data-* attributes. Directly comparing property with an object does not work

// cannot compare dataset object with a plain object
cy.get('article#electric-cars').should('have.prop', 'dataset', {
  columns: '3',
  indexNumber: '12314',
  parent: 'cars',

Instead, yield the dataset value and convert into a plain object first before using deep.equal assertion.

  // yields "DOMStringMap" object
  .should('have.prop', 'dataset')
  // which we can convert into an object
  // and compare as plain object
  .should('deep.equal', {
    columns: '3',
    indexNumber: '12314',
    parent: 'cars',

Tip: you can use cy-spokopen in new window to confirm object properties.

Query commands

Converting a browser object like DOMStringMap to a plain object using JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x)) is pretty common. If we use cy.then(JSON.stringify).then(JSON.parse) commands we are breaking retries because cy.then is not a query command. I suggest using my plugin cypress-mapopen in new window and its query commands to convert DOMStringMap to a plain JavaScript object.

In the example below, one of the data attributes is set after a delay.

  All about electric cards
  // force the tests to retry by adding "data-index-number" attribute
  // after some delay
  setTimeout(() => {
      .setAttribute('data-index-number', '12314')
  }, 1500)

We can keep querying the DOM and converting to a plain object until the assertion passes. Query commands cy.toPlainObject,, and cy.print are from cypress-mapopen in new window plugin.

  .should('have.prop', 'dataset')
  // "cy.toPlainObject" comes from cypress-map
  // convert the property "columns" to a number
  // leaving the rest of the properties unchanged
    columns: Number,
  .print('dataset %o')
  .should('deep.equal', {
    columns: 3,
    indexNumber: '12314',
    parent: 'cars',

We can even map some property values to convert them before the assertion. For example, we can convert the number of columns from the string "3" to the number 3. Again, from cypress-map is our friend here:

List of elements

Let's confirm the data attributes from a list of elements. For example, let's confirm the data-product-id for every list element.

<ul class="a-list" data-list-type="products">
  <li data-product-id="001">Product A</li>
  <li data-product-id="002">Product B</li>
  <li data-product-id="003">Product C</li>
  .should('have.attr', 'data-list-type', 'products')
  // comes from cypress-map plugin
  .should('deep.equal', ['001', '002', '003'])

See also