Confirm Labels

HTML <input> elements have labels property with the linked <label> elements for that input (if any). The labels are kept inside a NodeList. Let's see how we can use the labels in our tests.

📺 Watch this recipe explained in the video Confirm Input Labels Using DOM Element Propertyopen in new window.

Confirm a single label

<label for="accept">Accept terms</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="accept" />
  .should('have.prop', 'labels')
  // yields a NodeList
  .should('have.length', 1)
  // get the first DOM element
  .and('have.text', 'Accept terms')

Confirm each input has a label

Let's go through every input element and confirm it has a corresponding label.

<input type="checkbox" id="accept" />
<label for="accept">Accept terms</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="grapes" checked />
<label for="grapes">I ❤️ grapes</label><br />
<input type="checkbox" id="mango" />
<label for="mango">I ❤️ mango</label><br />

We can confirm that each input element has a matching label by going through the inputs, taking the id attribute, and looking for the label element with the matching for=... attribute.

cy.log('**query the attribute**')
cy.get('input').each(($input) => {
  const id = $input.attr('id')

Alternative: use the labels property of the input element.

cy.log('**use labels property**')
cy.get('input').each(($input) => {
  const element = $input[0]