Here are a few easy to read learning resources for starting with ReactJS library.
- The main principle behind ReactJS is the Functional DOM programming
- ReactJS is different from other MVC frameworks, here is an example / guide how to Start thinking in React
- The way functional programming is used in react is very important
- ReactJS is only a view library, thus to get the data to the view you need extra parts. People designed Flux and Dispatcher for data control.
- How to run a ReactJS example from a NodeJS server: Getting started with React and Node.js
- A lot of React's power comes from never modifying existing data, but creating new objects. Read about the immutable data library
- There is a special language called JSX that allows to express both JavaScript and HTML in single source. JSX Looks Like An Abomination, but it’s Good for You.
- A good introduction video is The Secrets of React's Virtual DOM
- An awesome step by step tutorial with server-side and client-side programming using immutable data and React library, including testing is Full-Stack Redux Tutorial
- Great tutorial in 6 parts going through React, Redux, Immutable data and testing using Jest is from Plotly
- Collection of React Tips & Patterns
- Build your first production quality React app is a paid video but is sooooo good.
A collection of links, videos etc for learning React in dwyl/learn-react