These are the books I suggest reading if you want to get better at JavaScript. They are the basis for the popup questions you get in my game 2048-cram
Books for beginners
These are extremely short (236 + 216 + 166 pages) books that will give anyone the basic knowledge to be a solid JavaScript developer.
- Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke, download PDF
- JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov is the greatest book about JavaScript. Make sure to type in examples into the browser or node to explore!
- Effective JavaScript by David Herman
- JavaScript Enlightenment by Cody Lindley (who also has excellent DOM Enlightnment)
I would gladly buy these books to anyone I hire to bring them up to speed.
Intermediate books
- Tiny book Async JavaScript by Trevor Burnham
- Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja by John Resig
- Speaking JavaScript by Alex Rauschmayer
- JavaScript for impatient programmers by Alex Rauschmayer, free to read online
Advanced books
Now we are talking fun: prototypical object oriented and functional programming. Anyone who can explain clearly concepts from these books is a solid hire.
- Principles of Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript by Nicholas Zakas
- Third-Party JavaScript by Ben Vinegar
- Functional JavaScript by Michael Fogus
- JavaScript Allonge by Reginald Braithwaite is my all time favorite book. It has converted me from C++ classical programming to a .js hacker. Read the book online
- Deep JavaScript: Theory and techniques by Alex Rauschmayer, free to read online
EcmaScript6 (ES6, ES2015)
The next versions of JavaScript are covered in these books and exercises
- Exploring ES6 - free to read online, or purchase an ebook.
- Understanding ECMAScript 6 is work in progress.
- ES6 Katas