Each snippet typically installs dependencies (with caching), runs tests and publishes new version to NPM and GitHub using semantic-release.
GitHub Actions
1 | name: ci |
Example repositories print-env, make-empty-github-commit, cypress-book, cypress-timings.
Read more about GitHub Actions in Trying GitHub Actions blog post. If you are doing Cypress End-to-end tests, I recommend using Cypress GitHub Action.
Tip: when using NPM module caching, Do Not Let NPM Cache Snowball on CI.
Tip: the badge for specific branch is:
1 | [![ci status][ci image]][ci url] |
1 | version: 2.1 |
Example repositories term-to-html, bahmutov/cypress-realworld-app.
If you are doing Cypress End-to-end tests, I recommend using Cypress CircleCI Orb
Tip: form the CircleCI project badge URL using https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/status-badges/, the format for specific branch is: [](https://circleci.com/gh/bahmutov/<repo name>/tree/<branch name>)
In the code samples above I am using emoji to quickly see each step.
Emoji | Step |
| Code check out from the repo๐ฆ
| Installing and caching dependencies๐งน
| Linting source code๐งฉ
| Checking types, for example using `tsc --noEmit`๐
| Running [Prettier formatter](./configure-prettier-in-vscode/)๐ฆ
| Some sanity check before continuing๐
| Building application๐
| Moving or preparing application๐
| Delete file or folder๐งช
| Running tests๐จ
| Running smoke tests๐
| Running a demo step๐
| Check code coverage๐
| Releasing a new versionHere is how it looks in GitHub Actions
Note: please do not use emoji in the job names - otherwise your GitHub commit status checks will stop working.