Based on Getting started with NodeJs.
All together:
heroku login
heroku create
heroku apps:rename cool-app
heroku config:set variable=value
git push heroku master
heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku open
To stop an app: heroku ps:stop DYNO --app <app name>
Step by step
Create git repo (I assume you are already in one).
heroku login
- Logs you in from the shell
heroku create
- Creates application, for example based on Connect webserver.
Note: this assumes the main file is called index.js
The command will give you a new Git remote url and will add it to the local repo.
OR if the application already exists you can add heroku remote using heroku git:remote -a <app name>
- Use environment port (if doing web app). Instead of listening to hardcoded port, use
1 | var port = process.env.PORT || 3001; |
Create Procfile, add
web: node index.js
Commit node_modules/ folder to Git. I don't like this particular step, but Heroku's npm install step was often failing otherwise. Probably no longer necessary, since NPM is more robust now.
heroku apps:rename cool-app
- Renames application to something meaningful.
heroku config:set DB_PASSWORD=value
- Sets environment variables for application, for example
1 | heroku config:set STATS_DB_USERNAME=something |
Use environment variable from Node
1 | process.env.STATS_DB_USERNAME |
git push heroku master
- Pushes master branch to Heroku
heroku ps:scale web=1
- Assigns 1 dyno VM to run your application
Check if the application started using
heroku ps
Open application in browser
heroku open
View logs
heroku logs
Update 1
Both and allow automatic pushes to Heroku after the tests pass. They are much simpler to setup than managing the deploys from command line yourself.