Cypress Level Up Online Workshop April 2023

Helping people affected by the recent tech layoffs by giving away an online workshop.

I was really saddened by the recent rounds of tech layoffs. Good hard-working people lost their jobs ... because things changed. Or because the company followed other companies. Finding a new position is always very stressful, especially when many people are in the same situation. So I decided to give back to the community. I will conduct my famous Cypress Basics Workshop online for anyone who lost jobs and has their public LinkedIn set to "open/looking for work, affected by the layoffs" information.

To make sure I can provide support and meaningful help to every participant, the workshop is limited to 10 participants. If this proves too limiting, I can increase the number of spots, we will see.

The workshop will cover test runner basics and will have 4 sessions of 2-2.5 hours each. Here are the dates for the online workshop and the approximate topics for each day.

Date Day Topic
April 17th Mon Introduction, your first test, test runner configuration
April 19th Wed Writing tests, selecting elements, Cypress Studio
April 24th Mon Controlling the application state, network testing
April 26th Wed Running tests on CI, flake prevention, component testing

On each of the 4 workshop days the online workshop meeting time is 9:00am-11:00am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), which is GMT-4.

At the end of the workshop, I will generate the completion certificate image with your name to use when you apply for jobs. You can also use this Cypress Skills checklist to showcase your web application testing skills when applying. A lot of these skills will checked off after the workshop.

The price of the entire workshop for anyone currently looking to be hired and who wants to learn Cypress to get a better job?


Sign up at this Stripe link and I hope to see you at the workshop. Remember: your public LinkedIn profile must show that you were affected by the tech layoffs and are actively looking for a new job.

We will have the same workshop, just onlineWe will have the same workshop, just online