Click a random element

Click a single picked list item

Sometimes you might want to pick a random element from selected elements on the page. Make sure the elements are ready before picking - the elements might be added asynchronously.

  .clicked {
    font-weight: bold;
<ul id="items"></ul>
  setTimeout(() => {
    // add elements to the list
    const list = document.getElementById('items')
    list.innerHTML = `
      <li class="an-item">One</li>
      <li class="an-item">Two</li>
      <li class="an-item">Three</li>
      <li class="an-item">Four</li>
      <li class="an-item">Five</li>
    list.addEventListener('click', (e) => {'clicked')
  }, 1000)
// first, make sure the elements are on the page
cy.get('#items li')
  .should('', 3)
  // pick a random item from the list
  .then(($li) => {
    const items = $li.toArray()
    // use Lodash _.sample method to pick
    // a random element from an array
    return Cypress._.sample(items)
  .then(($li) => {
    // the yielded element is automatically wrapped in jQuery by Cypress
    expect(Cypress.dom.isJquery($li), 'jQuery element')
    cy.log(`you picked "${$li.text()}"`)
    // we do not need to return anything from `cy.then`
    // if we want to continue working with the same element
// confirm 1 element got "clicked" class
cy.get('#items .clicked').should('have.length', 1)

Alternative solution: pick a random index of an element and use cy.eqopen in new window command.

// first, make sure the elements are on the page
cy.get('#items li')
  .should('', 3)
  // get the number of elements
  .then((n) => Cypress._.random(0, n - 1))
  .then((k) => {
    cy.log(`picked random index ${k}`)
    // get all elements again and pick one
    cy.get('#items li').eq(k).click()
    // confirm the click
    cy.get('#items .clicked').should('have.length', 1)

Watch the video Click A Random Elementopen in new window.

Using the cy.sample command

Alternatively, we can use the cy.sample command from cypress-mapopen in new window. That will make it very simple to sample a collection of elements.

.clicked {
  font-weight: bold;
<ul id="items"></ul>
  setTimeout(() => {
    // add elements to the list
    const list = document.getElementById('items')
    list.innerHTML = `
      <li class="an-item">One</li>
      <li class="an-item">Two</li>
      <li class="an-item">Three</li>
      <li class="an-item">Four</li>
      <li class="an-item">Five</li>
    list.addEventListener('click', (e) => {'clicked')
  }, 1000)

Let's use the cy.sample child query command.

cy.get('#items li').sample().click()
// confirm the click
cy.get('#items .clicked').should('have.length', 1)

Click several checkboxes

Let's say we have multiple checkboxes and we want to pick three of then randomly.

<div id="checkboxes">
  <input type="checkbox" id="apples" />
  <label for="apples">I ❤️ apples</label><br />
  <input type="checkbox" id="peaches" />
  <label for="peaches">I ❤️ peaches</label><br />
  <input type="checkbox" id="grapes" />
  <label for="grapes">I ❤️ grapes</label><br />
  <input type="checkbox" id="mango" />
  <label for="mango">I ❤️ mango</label><br />

First, let's confirm that there are four unchecked checkboxes, none of them checked.

cy.get('#checkboxes input[type=checkbox]')
  .and('have.length', 4)
  .each(($checkbox) => expect($checkbox)
  // use Lodash _.sampleSize to pick N
  // random elements from a jQuery array
  // while _.sampleSize can pull items from jQuery object
  // I found the entire test to be reliable
  // only when converting the jQuery to plain Array first
  .then(function ($items) {
    return Cypress._.sampleSize($items.toArray(), 2)
  .should('have.length', 2)
  .click({ multiple: true })

Let's confirm that 2 checkboxes are checked now using the jQuery :checkedopen in new window selector.

cy.get('#checkboxes input[type=checkbox]:checked')
  .should('have.length', 2)
  // print the checked element IDs to the Command Log
  .then(($checked) =>$checked, 'id'))

Watch the video Randomly Pick Two Checkboxes Out Of Four And Click On Themopen in new window.

Remove class from sampled elements

Imagine all elements initially are hidden using class name "secret". We want to pick two random elements and reveal them.

📺 Watch this example in the video Remove Class From Sampled Elementsopen in new window.

#names li {
  color: black;
  margin-bottom: 5px;
#names li.secret {
  background-color: black;
<h1>Secret names</h1>
<ul id="names">
  <li class="secret">Joe</li>
  <li class="secret">Mervin</li>
  <li class="secret">Anna</li>
  <li class="secret">Spock</li>

Let's find all elements, then use cy.sample command from cypress-mapopen in new window to grab two random elements. Then we can invoke the jQuery method removeClass to show the names.

cy.get('#names li')
  // cy.sample commands comes from the cypress-map
  .invoke('removeClass', 'secret')
// verify the the result
cy.get('#names li:not(.secret)').should('have.length', 2)
cy.get('#names li.secret').should('have.length', 2)