Window confirm popup
<button id="ask">Ask user</button>
<output id="output" />
.addEventListener('click', () => {
const output = document.getElementById('output')
const ok = confirm('Should I proceed?')
output.innerText = ok ? 'Yes' : 'No'
Note: this test only passes when doing full browser reload. On normal file watching or re-run it pops the browser Confirm dialog instead of auto-accepting it. Seems like a bug to me.
// Cypress auto-accepts the confirmation
cy.contains('Ask user').click()
cy.contains('output', 'Yes').then(() => {
cy.on('window:confirm', cy.stub().returns(false))
cy.contains('Ask user').click()
cy.contains('output', 'No')
Luckily, there is an easy workaround by using cy.stub
command to control the window.confirm
method instead.
cy.window().then((win) =>
cy.stub(win, 'confirm').as('confirm').returns(true),
cy.contains('Ask user').click()
cy.contains('output', 'Yes')
cy.window().then((win) =>
cy.stub(win, 'confirm').as('confirm').returns(false),
cy.contains('Ask user').click()
cy.contains('output', 'No')
Watch the video Stub The Window Confirm Popups.