Phone number
Imagine you are validating a phone number, and we know the number will be in the format 123-XXX-XXXX
. Here are a couple of alternatives.
const phoneNumber = '123-760-9001'
We can check if the phone number is a string with length 12.
expect(phoneNumber, '12 chars')'string')
Unfortunately, the assertion is way too forgiving.
expect('WRONG PHONE!', 'also has 12 chars')'string')
Maybe we need to use a regular expression. We know the phone number can only contain digits and -
characters. Let's use the match(regex)
assertion. Plus we can use ^
and $
characters to make sure we match the entire string.
expect(phoneNumber, 'digits and -').to.match(/^[\d-]{12}$/)
Ok, this looks better, but it still allows for some funny values.
expect('------------', 'just -').to.match(/^[\d-]{12}$/)
expect('0-0-0-0-0-0-', 'caterpillar').to.match(/^[\d-]{12}$/)
expect('123456789012', 'wrong number of digits').to.match(
My advice write the strictest regular expression possible enforcing the type and position of each character class. In our case it is the following regular expression:
const phoneRegex = /^\d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d$/
expect(phoneNumber, 'phone #').to.match(phoneRegex)
If you want, you can write it differently:
const phoneRegex = /^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$/
All previous funny inputs fail our strict regular expression.
expect('WRONG PHONE!', 'also has 12 chars').to.not.match(
expect('------------', 'just -').to.not.match(phoneRegex)
expect('0-0-0-0-0-0-', 'caterpillar').to.not.match(phoneRegex)
expect('123456789012', 'wrong number of digits').to.not.match(