Last of type CSS selector

See :last-of-typeopen in new window documentation and examples.

📺 Watch this recipe explained in the video last-of-type And first-of-type CSS Selectors Examplesopen in new window.

  <dd>1. Tomatoes</dd>
  <dd>2. Cucumbers</dd>
  <dd>3. Mushrooms</dd>
  <dd>4. Apples</dd>
  <dd>5. Mangos</dd>
  <dd>6. Pears</dd>
  <dd>7. Oranges</dd>
dt {
  font-weight: bold;

dd {
  margin: 3px;

dd:last-of-type {
  border: 2px solid red;

Let's get the last <dd> element on the page.

  .should('have.css', 'border')
  // yields the CSS value, something like
  // "2px solid rgb(...)"
  // confirm it is a solid border
  .should('include', 'solid')

Let's get the last <dt> element inside the <dl> element

cy.get('dl dt:last-of-type').should('have.text', 'Fruits:')

The CSS selector :first-of-type is the opposite of :last-of-type. Let's select the first <dt> element

cy.get('dl dt:first-of-type').should('have.text', 'Vegetables:')